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Midnight Orchid

YENNEFER -- Lilac, Gooseberries, Grape Vines, Magic

YENNEFER -- Lilac, Gooseberries, Grape Vines, Magic

A beautiful and complex candle for a gorgeous and complex character! Yennefer's beginnings may be humble and mixed (and rather tragic), but she proves she can overcome obstacles with tenacity and she is strong and independent. Whether you are a fan of the books, the games, or the show, this candle is a sweet addition to our Jaskier and Geralt candles and we hope you enjoy this one just as much. This candle is meant to represent the character and what we think she would smell like if you were striding alongside her on an adventure -- complex, sweet, mysterious, magical, feminine, and powerful.

 Lilac and Gooseberries, Lemon, White Chocolate, Raspberries, Lemon, White Woods, Sugar, Lily
STRENGTH: medium

Regular price $21.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $21.00 USD
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